#UNFIT is sharp, cohesive, and illuminating, with alarming insights.
— Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times
#UNFIT is an Incisive documentary with freshly perceptive nuances.
— Owen Gleiberman, Variety
For the first time, mental health professionals go on the record, in an eye–opening, science–based assessment of the behavior and stability of Donald J. Trump

Trump makes increasingly bizarre statements that are contradicted by irrefutable evidence to the contrary.
We all know narcissists, but Malignant Narcissism is different. It's been at the root of some of the most vicious inhumanity in all of history. A malignant narcissist when threatened makes decisions impulsively and walks a line between sanity and insanity. We are now witnessing that descent in plain view.
Those who offer such advice he perceives as contrary will increasingly be seen as actively subverting his best interests, as he understands them. He'll grow more defiant, more reckless, more anti-constitutional, and more dangerous.
Donald Trump is a Malignant Narcissist.
Malignant Narcissism is a syndrome, with 4 components:
- Narcissistic personality disorder
- Anti-social behavior (sociopathy)
- Paranoia
- Sadism
The malignant narcissist is grandiose, with an inflated sense of accomplishment, and an excessive need for admiration. He is boastful, hypersensitive to criticism, arrogant, and envious. He is always ready to raise hostility levels, and uses deceit and manipulation. He transgresses social norms, and lacks moral conscience. He is preoccupied with perceived disloyalty, bearing grudges, quick to blame others, and prone to conspiracy theories. He is dehumanizing to people he perceives as weak, capable of taking glee in their misfortune.